Your PC does not want to act at all ? Hard drive not detected , the optical drive is slow , the monitor is not optimal zoom , or a router that too often hangs ? Do not panic , find the solution here how to fix computer problems !
Occasionally this can happen . PC suddenly acting up , and can not be resolved easily . While you have been reading various troubleshooting guide in the manual are available . And it can also happen to you .
Not looking at the circumstances , a system can be acting up . It could be as soon as you update the driver . Or after the addition of extra devices in your system . Or occur suddenly , without warning or prior notice .
And this time the review will discuss the things mentioned above . Restless and do not need to have to deal with panic .
Sit quietly , and follow this discussion . Hopefully one of them is the answer of the problem you are having with your favorite PC .
Latest , Not Mean Free Bug
Not always the latest technology to provide the best to its users . Even the few times we have witnessed , a product that carries the latest technology , the initial batch was also accompanied by fix computer problems quite confusing .
For example , a motherboard with the latest chip set . Here are some cases that is often felt by the members of the lab PC Media . There should be some small-scale research , to be able to run a series of tests to perfect . Starting from the occasional search for BIOS updates , driver updates , or just manually updated from the product concerned .
Another example is to test the video card . With the sharpening of competition ATI Radeon and Nvidia , makes a variety of products with the latest chipset , kept coming into our lab . Which ultimately requires a software patch testing solutions . To be able to run it .
Then, what happens in the real world ? In everyday use with PC
Step Opening
As in chess , the first step would be decisive . So also in solving problems that occur with your PC .
In this article , will contain the most important step in trying to resolve the problem with your PC . The important thing is to try to figure out what is causing your PC acting up . Last change what happens on the PC ?
It is very important to know for sure . Given , it will greatly facilitate the settlement to be done . Tailored to the possibility of problems occurring . From here , allows to narrow down the possible problems that occur with your PC .
1 . PC Not React , When Power Button Pressed .
Problem: You press the power button to turn on your PC , but the PC does not show signs of life . What happened ?
Solution : If this happens on your PC , there are several possibilities that must be examined one by one gradually.
Step 1 : Check all electrical networks , from the AC outlet to the PSU ( power supply unit ) your PC . Is it installed perfectly . Starting from the PSU to make sure the switch in the ON position , or in case you use a UPS ( uniterruptable power supply ) and / or stabilizer AVR ( automated voltage regulator ) . Make sure all the ON position and in a state to function properly .
Step 2 : If it is not the cause , then the next new possibilities on your PC . Make sure all cables ( especially power cables ) and components installed properly . How to open the casing , then squeeze back component cables and connectors are available. Sometimes this is because the connector is not connected properly . Note also ATX 12V , which can be found on most motherboards four years. Motherboard will not act , without ration power from this connector .
Step 3 : It will be quite troublesome . Make checks ultimate device one by one . What is meant is the CPU and motherboard . Make sure they are still functioning properly . Because let's say if the CPU is damaged , the system will not turn on at all . Likewise, if the motherboard is damaged . Especially for the affairs of its power supply ( MOSFET , power lines on the PCB and so on ) . It will also cause the PC will not react at all .
2 . Fan , Hard Drive A rotation , but the monitor screen remains dark .
Problem: PC react . Sound of fan rotation , and other signs of life from the hard drive , optical drive and others. However , the monitor remains dark .
Solution : at least a little better than the problem number 1 . For this problem , you should rely on the marks given by the BIOS POST . Make sure the speakers are plugged well casing , so you can listen to a combination POST beep is definitely available on most motherboards . Or on some of the latest motherboards , integrated buzzer is also available on the motherboard .
Much easier if the motherboard BIOS POST code display with a two seven segment LED , which will display the code hexagesimal . Should you not know the meaning of the code ( either sound or light ) or even loss of the manuals , once again no need to panic . You can try to open the site Bios Central ( ) .
hard drive
Storing various documents , favorite tunes MP3 format , 3D games installations ( up to units of gigabytes in size ) , some even collect video download DivX format , or digital video master transferred from camcorders . It is not strange if the hard drive with full speed . Adding a hard drive was , it was not
apart from some problems that might arise .
3 . System Does Not Recognize New Hard Drive .
Problem: new hard drive installed , not detected either in Windows or the BIOS though .
Solution : install and configure the hard disk Bottom line correctly . Hard drive not include a hard component in the installation process . However , there are several steps that must certainly have been done , when installing the hard drive .
Step 1 : Make sure the hard drive is getting power supply from the PSU . Such trivial mistakes can happen . Given the location of the hard drive is usually at the front of the casing . Sometimes you connect with the power branch of the fan , who did not get the power supply from the PSU . This could also be due to lack of power connector from the PSU .
Step 2 : Make sure that the master and slave hard drive exactly as desired . Or if you want to take advantage of the configuration of the cable select , be sure to use the configuration on a second hard drive , your old and new .
Step 3 : If you want to use cable select configuration , consider the installation of the IDE cable to the hard drive . Several recent cabling , has been given a special mark , to help determine which connectors will be considered as the master , and which connectors will be considered as a slave . If not available , the easiest way is by following basic rules . The connector is located at the threshold is designated as the master . While the connector in the middle , will be treated as a slave .
Step 4 : If it all has not been able to resolve the problem , then the answer is no alternative to the BIOS settings . In the main the Integrated Peripherals option , there are usually options for the IDE controller . Here is also an option for setting a SATA controller . Should you experience a similar problem , when I want to add a new hard drive air- interface SATA . Special to the SATA hard drive and Windows , do not forget to install the driver that is usually supplied by the
Occasionally this can happen . PC suddenly acting up , and can not be resolved easily . While you have been reading various troubleshooting guide in the manual are available . And it can also happen to you .
Not looking at the circumstances , a system can be acting up . It could be as soon as you update the driver . Or after the addition of extra devices in your system . Or occur suddenly , without warning or prior notice .
And this time the review will discuss the things mentioned above . Restless and do not need to have to deal with panic .
Sit quietly , and follow this discussion . Hopefully one of them is the answer of the problem you are having with your favorite PC .
Latest , Not Mean Free Bug
Not always the latest technology to provide the best to its users . Even the few times we have witnessed , a product that carries the latest technology , the initial batch was also accompanied by fix computer problems quite confusing .
For example , a motherboard with the latest chip set . Here are some cases that is often felt by the members of the lab PC Media . There should be some small-scale research , to be able to run a series of tests to perfect . Starting from the occasional search for BIOS updates , driver updates , or just manually updated from the product concerned .
Another example is to test the video card . With the sharpening of competition ATI Radeon and Nvidia , makes a variety of products with the latest chipset , kept coming into our lab . Which ultimately requires a software patch testing solutions . To be able to run it .
Then, what happens in the real world ? In everyday use with PC
Step Opening
As in chess , the first step would be decisive . So also in solving problems that occur with your PC .
In this article , will contain the most important step in trying to resolve the problem with your PC . The important thing is to try to figure out what is causing your PC acting up . Last change what happens on the PC ?
It is very important to know for sure . Given , it will greatly facilitate the settlement to be done . Tailored to the possibility of problems occurring . From here , allows to narrow down the possible problems that occur with your PC .
1 . PC Not React , When Power Button Pressed .
Problem: You press the power button to turn on your PC , but the PC does not show signs of life . What happened ?
Solution : If this happens on your PC , there are several possibilities that must be examined one by one gradually.
Step 1 : Check all electrical networks , from the AC outlet to the PSU ( power supply unit ) your PC . Is it installed perfectly . Starting from the PSU to make sure the switch in the ON position , or in case you use a UPS ( uniterruptable power supply ) and / or stabilizer AVR ( automated voltage regulator ) . Make sure all the ON position and in a state to function properly .
Step 2 : If it is not the cause , then the next new possibilities on your PC . Make sure all cables ( especially power cables ) and components installed properly . How to open the casing , then squeeze back component cables and connectors are available. Sometimes this is because the connector is not connected properly . Note also ATX 12V , which can be found on most motherboards four years. Motherboard will not act , without ration power from this connector .
Step 3 : It will be quite troublesome . Make checks ultimate device one by one . What is meant is the CPU and motherboard . Make sure they are still functioning properly . Because let's say if the CPU is damaged , the system will not turn on at all . Likewise, if the motherboard is damaged . Especially for the affairs of its power supply ( MOSFET , power lines on the PCB and so on ) . It will also cause the PC will not react at all .
2 . Fan , Hard Drive A rotation , but the monitor screen remains dark .
Problem: PC react . Sound of fan rotation , and other signs of life from the hard drive , optical drive and others. However , the monitor remains dark .
Solution : at least a little better than the problem number 1 . For this problem , you should rely on the marks given by the BIOS POST . Make sure the speakers are plugged well casing , so you can listen to a combination POST beep is definitely available on most motherboards . Or on some of the latest motherboards , integrated buzzer is also available on the motherboard .
Much easier if the motherboard BIOS POST code display with a two seven segment LED , which will display the code hexagesimal . Should you not know the meaning of the code ( either sound or light ) or even loss of the manuals , once again no need to panic . You can try to open the site Bios Central ( ) .
hard drive
Storing various documents , favorite tunes MP3 format , 3D games installations ( up to units of gigabytes in size ) , some even collect video download DivX format , or digital video master transferred from camcorders . It is not strange if the hard drive with full speed . Adding a hard drive was , it was not
apart from some problems that might arise .
3 . System Does Not Recognize New Hard Drive .
Problem: new hard drive installed , not detected either in Windows or the BIOS though .
Solution : install and configure the hard disk Bottom line correctly . Hard drive not include a hard component in the installation process . However , there are several steps that must certainly have been done , when installing the hard drive .
Step 1 : Make sure the hard drive is getting power supply from the PSU . Such trivial mistakes can happen . Given the location of the hard drive is usually at the front of the casing . Sometimes you connect with the power branch of the fan , who did not get the power supply from the PSU . This could also be due to lack of power connector from the PSU .
Step 2 : Make sure that the master and slave hard drive exactly as desired . Or if you want to take advantage of the configuration of the cable select , be sure to use the configuration on a second hard drive , your old and new .
Step 3 : If you want to use cable select configuration , consider the installation of the IDE cable to the hard drive . Several recent cabling , has been given a special mark , to help determine which connectors will be considered as the master , and which connectors will be considered as a slave . If not available , the easiest way is by following basic rules . The connector is located at the threshold is designated as the master . While the connector in the middle , will be treated as a slave .
Step 4 : If it all has not been able to resolve the problem , then the answer is no alternative to the BIOS settings . In the main the Integrated Peripherals option , there are usually options for the IDE controller . Here is also an option for setting a SATA controller . Should you experience a similar problem , when I want to add a new hard drive air- interface SATA . Special to the SATA hard drive and Windows , do not forget to install the driver that is usually supplied by the
motherboard manufacturer . Or update, depending on the motherboard chipset it uses.
4 . Detected hard drive , but can not be operated .
Problem: The BIOS detects the presence of the hard drive . But not so with Windows , and even DOS .
Solution : This is not a big problem . All you need do is create a partition , and then format the new hard drive . Due to the new hard drive is not formatted in a file system that can be recognized by Windows or DOS . There are several possibilities to do with the new hard drive .
Possibility 1: If you want to install the new hard drive with Windows 9x operating system , it requires some basic knowledge about the FDISK command . For this one , we strongly recommend to use this command you are accompanied by someone who is experienced .
Possibility 2 : If you want to install the Windows 2000/XP or some of the latest Linux distributions nowadays, you do not have a headache again faced with the FDISK command . They provide the option during the installation process . Just follow the steps and choices given . At least it's easier than using the FDISK command for most people .
Possibility 3 : If the new hard drive will be used as an additional hard drive for data storage , this will be easier . For example, during the time you have been using Windows XP operating system . By using a user who has administrator rights you can do the following .
Simply by going to Disk Management . One of them by right-clicking on My Computer , select Manage .
Note the left column . Later on Storage , select Disk Management . From here you can view and manage your new hard drive much easier .
Note : Be careful when using the facilities available on Disk Management . Do not let one choose the hard drive . Because the data on the hard disk or partition may be lost . Similarly, when using FDISK or a similar function available in the operating system installation process .
05 . Installing a New Hard Drive Extra Large .
Problems : Hard Drive 200 GB not detected either in the BIOS , let alone Windows . In fact , step on the tip to the 03 and 04 have been executed all .
Solution : Along with time and advancement of existing technology , the large -sized hard disk mass products already available on the market . With a relatively affordable price . The core problem is the use of the method of LBA ( Logical Block Addressing ) used . The problem for the above , usually caused by hard disk larger than 137 GB , using a 48-bit LBA method .
To that end , the first need to do is determine whether the BIOS is used , already supports 48 -bit LBA . For example here is to use 48 - bit LBA Test Program for the Intel Application Accelerator ( ) . Simply by running a simple application 48lbachk.exe on the system .
If it turns BIOS is not supported , it is necessary to update the BIOS . Note readme available on the BIOS update . Make sure that the update will be used , can resolve compatibility issues 48 -bit LBA hard drive .
Optical Drive
This one device may have long relied upon for business storage . Here might be some problems that may occur .
6 . Burner Software Not Working on New Optical Drive .
The problem : For example , you are forced to say goodbye to the old CDRW drive . And replace it with a new burner drive . But you just realize , that mainstay Nero burner software , can not be used with the new drive . Why is that ?
Solution : At the beginning of the heyday of the CD - RW drive , most of the sales package comes with the burner software . However , now many outstanding optical drives that are not accompanied with the burner software .
Keep in mind , the license granted to OEM sales package . And devoted to the bundled product . And Nero has protection , so it can only be used specifically for the drive . To continue to use it to drive a new burner , the most minimal cost is to upgrade. TODD Nero 6 Reloaded Upgrade Serial Number ( , costing U.S. $ 39.99 ) . It is cheaper than the full version .
7 . Write speed is not fast as Promised .
Problems : Specification does not promise 100 % in accordance with the reality. But if it takes a write up to two times or more the time appointed , there must be something wrong . What causes it ?
Solution : It may not be so much felt , even to a CD - RW drive is the fastest though . However , if it is switched to DVD burner drive , the difference will be felt . It could take more than 1 hour to complete writing data on DVD media with a capacity of 4.7 GB .
That needs to be ascertained is , either hard disk or optical drive is being used , has been working on the Ultra DMA mode ( Direct Memory Access ) .
How to check , in Windows XP with attention to the Device Manager . Open the IDE controller on the tree . And look at the Advanced Settings tab . Note on the Current Transfer Mode . Check on each IDE controller where the hard drive and optical drive installed .
VGA and Display
Both are intended to pamper the eyes of users . With a more powerful VGA , you will get a better frame rate . Whereas with a better display , you will get a resolution and refresh rate that does not tire the eyes . However , it does not mean they are free of problems .
8 . Video Card Driver not installed with Perfect .
Problem: It seems that the driver installation process went perfectly . But after a system restart , there is a warning error box : a œcli.exe Application Error . The application failed to initialize properly ( 0xc0000135 ) . Click OK to terminate the application.A € ? What causes it and how can I fix this ?
Solution : Some users video card with ATI Radeon VPU chipset ever felt . Especially if you never update drivers and supporting applications using the ATI Catalyst . For information , ATI Catalyst that are specific to the Windows operating system , built using Microsoft . NET Framework SDK .
The operating system needs to be added with the installation of Microsoft . NET Framework . Than is currently available is for version 1.1 .
It will also be useful in case you install the application created by using Microsoft . NET Framework SDK . To solve all the problems , which led to the emergence of a similar pop up window .
9 . Avoiding Error Message When Installing Update VGA Drivers .
Problem: How should do update VGA driver . Because in some cases , common error message appears .
Solution : There is no special command that is included on the installer file update VGA driver , which is suggested to uninstall the old drivers that were previously installed . However , you'll want to do the cleaning of your operating system from the old driver that ever existed . Before installing it with the latest update is desired.
For VGA users with ATI Radeon chipsets , you can easily uninstall the old drivers , along with some supporting applications . Because ATI has also included ATI CATALYST Uninstaller , which is automatically included when ATI CATALYST driver installation process .
For others , it needs its own tricks . Quite a lot of alternatives to clean the old drivers . You can use Driver Cleaner , which is now available Driver Cleaner 3.3 , or variants Professional Edition ( ) .
10 . Fixing the Display Monitor .
Problem: You have picked the best monitor . Say a TFT - LCD monitor , or CRT monitors leading brands , which often won hardware reviews . However, the resulting display is not satisfactory . What to do ?
Solution : As great as any device , not be optimal without the optimal configuration . So also for the monitor .
Most LCD monitors have a special button AUTO ( or similar ) , for automatic configuration. In accordance with the data that is communicated between a monitor with a video card with DDC . But sometimes not perfect . Most of moire interference is still felt . You can use the Monitor Test , and try to calibrate moire interference is minimal.
For CRT monitors , mostly on the contrast and brightness problems . Contrast will adjust the monitor power light . But if excess will tire the eyes . Brightness will lighten . However, if too high , it will lose the black level . And in some cases it will also disrupt the focus of the display monitor . thats all how to fix computer problems .
4 . Detected hard drive , but can not be operated .
Problem: The BIOS detects the presence of the hard drive . But not so with Windows , and even DOS .
Solution : This is not a big problem . All you need do is create a partition , and then format the new hard drive . Due to the new hard drive is not formatted in a file system that can be recognized by Windows or DOS . There are several possibilities to do with the new hard drive .
Possibility 1: If you want to install the new hard drive with Windows 9x operating system , it requires some basic knowledge about the FDISK command . For this one , we strongly recommend to use this command you are accompanied by someone who is experienced .
Possibility 2 : If you want to install the Windows 2000/XP or some of the latest Linux distributions nowadays, you do not have a headache again faced with the FDISK command . They provide the option during the installation process . Just follow the steps and choices given . At least it's easier than using the FDISK command for most people .
Possibility 3 : If the new hard drive will be used as an additional hard drive for data storage , this will be easier . For example, during the time you have been using Windows XP operating system . By using a user who has administrator rights you can do the following .
Simply by going to Disk Management . One of them by right-clicking on My Computer , select Manage .
Note the left column . Later on Storage , select Disk Management . From here you can view and manage your new hard drive much easier .
Note : Be careful when using the facilities available on Disk Management . Do not let one choose the hard drive . Because the data on the hard disk or partition may be lost . Similarly, when using FDISK or a similar function available in the operating system installation process .
05 . Installing a New Hard Drive Extra Large .
Problems : Hard Drive 200 GB not detected either in the BIOS , let alone Windows . In fact , step on the tip to the 03 and 04 have been executed all .
Solution : Along with time and advancement of existing technology , the large -sized hard disk mass products already available on the market . With a relatively affordable price . The core problem is the use of the method of LBA ( Logical Block Addressing ) used . The problem for the above , usually caused by hard disk larger than 137 GB , using a 48-bit LBA method .
To that end , the first need to do is determine whether the BIOS is used , already supports 48 -bit LBA . For example here is to use 48 - bit LBA Test Program for the Intel Application Accelerator ( ) . Simply by running a simple application 48lbachk.exe on the system .
If it turns BIOS is not supported , it is necessary to update the BIOS . Note readme available on the BIOS update . Make sure that the update will be used , can resolve compatibility issues 48 -bit LBA hard drive .
Optical Drive
This one device may have long relied upon for business storage . Here might be some problems that may occur .
6 . Burner Software Not Working on New Optical Drive .
The problem : For example , you are forced to say goodbye to the old CDRW drive . And replace it with a new burner drive . But you just realize , that mainstay Nero burner software , can not be used with the new drive . Why is that ?
Solution : At the beginning of the heyday of the CD - RW drive , most of the sales package comes with the burner software . However , now many outstanding optical drives that are not accompanied with the burner software .
Keep in mind , the license granted to OEM sales package . And devoted to the bundled product . And Nero has protection , so it can only be used specifically for the drive . To continue to use it to drive a new burner , the most minimal cost is to upgrade. TODD Nero 6 Reloaded Upgrade Serial Number ( , costing U.S. $ 39.99 ) . It is cheaper than the full version .
7 . Write speed is not fast as Promised .
Problems : Specification does not promise 100 % in accordance with the reality. But if it takes a write up to two times or more the time appointed , there must be something wrong . What causes it ?
Solution : It may not be so much felt , even to a CD - RW drive is the fastest though . However , if it is switched to DVD burner drive , the difference will be felt . It could take more than 1 hour to complete writing data on DVD media with a capacity of 4.7 GB .
That needs to be ascertained is , either hard disk or optical drive is being used , has been working on the Ultra DMA mode ( Direct Memory Access ) .
How to check , in Windows XP with attention to the Device Manager . Open the IDE controller on the tree . And look at the Advanced Settings tab . Note on the Current Transfer Mode . Check on each IDE controller where the hard drive and optical drive installed .
VGA and Display
Both are intended to pamper the eyes of users . With a more powerful VGA , you will get a better frame rate . Whereas with a better display , you will get a resolution and refresh rate that does not tire the eyes . However , it does not mean they are free of problems .
8 . Video Card Driver not installed with Perfect .
Problem: It seems that the driver installation process went perfectly . But after a system restart , there is a warning error box : a œcli.exe Application Error . The application failed to initialize properly ( 0xc0000135 ) . Click OK to terminate the application.A € ? What causes it and how can I fix this ?
Solution : Some users video card with ATI Radeon VPU chipset ever felt . Especially if you never update drivers and supporting applications using the ATI Catalyst . For information , ATI Catalyst that are specific to the Windows operating system , built using Microsoft . NET Framework SDK .
The operating system needs to be added with the installation of Microsoft . NET Framework . Than is currently available is for version 1.1 .
It will also be useful in case you install the application created by using Microsoft . NET Framework SDK . To solve all the problems , which led to the emergence of a similar pop up window .
9 . Avoiding Error Message When Installing Update VGA Drivers .
Problem: How should do update VGA driver . Because in some cases , common error message appears .
Solution : There is no special command that is included on the installer file update VGA driver , which is suggested to uninstall the old drivers that were previously installed . However , you'll want to do the cleaning of your operating system from the old driver that ever existed . Before installing it with the latest update is desired.
For VGA users with ATI Radeon chipsets , you can easily uninstall the old drivers , along with some supporting applications . Because ATI has also included ATI CATALYST Uninstaller , which is automatically included when ATI CATALYST driver installation process .
For others , it needs its own tricks . Quite a lot of alternatives to clean the old drivers . You can use Driver Cleaner , which is now available Driver Cleaner 3.3 , or variants Professional Edition ( ) .
10 . Fixing the Display Monitor .
Problem: You have picked the best monitor . Say a TFT - LCD monitor , or CRT monitors leading brands , which often won hardware reviews . However, the resulting display is not satisfactory . What to do ?
Solution : As great as any device , not be optimal without the optimal configuration . So also for the monitor .
Most LCD monitors have a special button AUTO ( or similar ) , for automatic configuration. In accordance with the data that is communicated between a monitor with a video card with DDC . But sometimes not perfect . Most of moire interference is still felt . You can use the Monitor Test , and try to calibrate moire interference is minimal.
For CRT monitors , mostly on the contrast and brightness problems . Contrast will adjust the monitor power light . But if excess will tire the eyes . Brightness will lighten . However, if too high , it will lose the black level . And in some cases it will also disrupt the focus of the display monitor . thats all how to fix computer problems .