How to Fix a Slow Computer - There are various ways that we can do to Fix a slow computer to become fast again . Tips or a simple way to be able to be done by us common people ( not computer experts ) . Although we are not a computer graduate , but the problem on a computer we must always be updated so as not to say " clueless " . For example we can do the install program , typing documents and fix some errors in the program or on Windows systems . Or if necessary can create and manipulate program with programming algorithm that we create ourselves .
Slow computer after long use is commonplace . Computer performance slows down after a few years of it 's use is common in every computer . So you do not be too scared if your computer is now a slow is not like it used to . Surely when we first purchased the computer still fit and maximum speed .
There are several causes of a slow computer ( slow ) we commonly encounter . I think personally that has also been mutually exchange and laptop computers for some time , which led to conclude that the computer becomes slow ( slow ) and how the Repair Computer Slow Problems is as follows :
Tips to Fix a Slow Computer
Slow computer is caused by infection with viruses , worms , trojans , malware , spy and similar programs . If your computer has been infected by viruses , worms , trojans , malware , spy and similar programs then our computer performance will drop dramatically . Understandably , most programs designed to damage the virus so it does not think of the effect that would occur in the operating system . Many reasons why people create viruses that of reason only learn and hone skills in the areas of programming , but there are also those who simply to perform illegal activities . Because I had once made a virus with a visual basic programming to deepen knowledge related to the operating system .
How to Fix a slow computer because of virus infections , worms , trojans , malware , spy and similar programs . If the ancient virus frankly nothing we can removed manually by entering the registry , windows configuration and batch-process tracking that are taking place using special software . But the virus is now very advanced age - advanced so we will be very difficult to remove without the help of antivirus . But if you are indeed an expert maybe you can do the removal manually . But if you are a layman on the computer , then you should install antivirus . Use a reliable antivirus and may be updated periodically . If you want a very good free antivirus I recommend antivirus microsoft security essentials made immediately .
Slow computers because of too many programs installed on the computer ( laptop ) . Before installing a lot of programs you should first consider the performance specifications of your computer . The specifications include processor speed , amount of memory ( RAM ) , and the operating system used . If you're installing a heavy program to be operated by your computer then logically would degrade the performance of your computer . What is meant by the weight of the confiscated program memory and system memory on a large hard disk .
Computer slow due to a lot of programs that automatically activated when the computer is on ( the program at startup ) . Automated program that gives a chance for himself running when the computer is on , it can also cause your computer to slow ( slow ) . I used to love to learn the commands in order to enable the program windows automatically. Of course, many ways that we can do to make the program start up one of them to manipulate the registry .
How to Fix a slow computer is caused by a program running ( running ) automatically when the computer is turned on ( turned on ) . Choose programs that will run automatically as needed . If you do not need to be activated automatically , then just activate the program at the time would be used . Many of the programs that makes him automatically activated (knowingly want to show their existence in our system ) . Disable who do not require automatic activation . Because if too many programs that start up automatically when you turn on the computer , loading windowsnya 'll take forever .
How to Fix a slow computer because many startup programs ( running automatically ) . To find programs that will be automatically activated when your windows system that is activated by opening the windows system configuration ( msconfig ) . How to open the system configuration window is by typing the words "msconfig " at the window run . Choose the startup tab , then uncheck the checkbox in the list of programs ktia not want automatically activated .
Causes of Slow Computer and How to Fix it .
Computer becomes slow due to antivirus that does not fit . You do not be surprised if after you install antivirus then your computer becomes very slow ( slow ) . If this one case I also often experience themselves . Because we want to be safe from the virus , then we install antivirus that require large computer specs . Examples pentium 3 computer you install antivirus norton and mcafee weight class . So naturally, if your computer is slow immediately after you install antivirus .
Tips , I Fix a slow computer because it caused anvirus incompatible . Install or attach the appropriate antivirus your computer specifications . Use antivirus that can be updated , point to face the kind of new viruses . When should give advice , so I suggest you use the free antivirus from microsoft security essentials . I am sure you will be very satisfied with the performance of this antivirus ( microsoft made knowingly direct ) . But to be able to install this cool antivirus , windows you have genuine original alias . The advantages of this antivirus is very light one for the system and could Fixing almost all viruses found .
Causes of Slow Computers and How to Fix it
Be caused by the slow computer is corupt data files on the computer . You should know is that every time we do the install and uninstall the program , it will leave files ( temp files ) or leave a change in the relationship between files on the system . Moreover, if the process does not uninstall the program to clean up the remnants of the overall file . Long tersbut remaining files will accumulate . Utau installation program has nothing to do with other programs , so at the time of install and uninstall programs like this will make setting changes to other programs .
How to Fix a slow computer because the files are not regular . To Fix the problem that you can do this two ways at once the cleaning stage files ( cleanup ) and stage defragmentation ( rearrangement ) . Perform the cleaning of the temp files that are junk files using registry cleaner software available . If you do not have software of you can do the cleaning of the windows . How to right click on the disk drive that you want to clear ( eg : drive c , d and subsequently drive ) and select Properties . After exit the Properties window select the tab " General " , then click " disk cleanup " on the bottom right . Select the options for doing more advanced dry . I Fix slow computer by defragmentation you can also use special software or use the default Windows defrag command . Same way with the cleanup step , ie right click on the drive that will didefrag , then select the tab " Tool " and do deframenttation .
Fix a Slow Computer, How to Fix a slow computer, Repair Computer, slow computer
Slow computer after long use is commonplace . Computer performance slows down after a few years of it 's use is common in every computer . So you do not be too scared if your computer is now a slow is not like it used to . Surely when we first purchased the computer still fit and maximum speed .
There are several causes of a slow computer ( slow ) we commonly encounter . I think personally that has also been mutually exchange and laptop computers for some time , which led to conclude that the computer becomes slow ( slow ) and how the Repair Computer Slow Problems is as follows :
Tips to Fix a Slow Computer
Slow computer is caused by infection with viruses , worms , trojans , malware , spy and similar programs . If your computer has been infected by viruses , worms , trojans , malware , spy and similar programs then our computer performance will drop dramatically . Understandably , most programs designed to damage the virus so it does not think of the effect that would occur in the operating system . Many reasons why people create viruses that of reason only learn and hone skills in the areas of programming , but there are also those who simply to perform illegal activities . Because I had once made a virus with a visual basic programming to deepen knowledge related to the operating system .
How to Fix a slow computer because of virus infections , worms , trojans , malware , spy and similar programs . If the ancient virus frankly nothing we can removed manually by entering the registry , windows configuration and batch-process tracking that are taking place using special software . But the virus is now very advanced age - advanced so we will be very difficult to remove without the help of antivirus . But if you are indeed an expert maybe you can do the removal manually . But if you are a layman on the computer , then you should install antivirus . Use a reliable antivirus and may be updated periodically . If you want a very good free antivirus I recommend antivirus microsoft security essentials made immediately .
Slow computers because of too many programs installed on the computer ( laptop ) . Before installing a lot of programs you should first consider the performance specifications of your computer . The specifications include processor speed , amount of memory ( RAM ) , and the operating system used . If you're installing a heavy program to be operated by your computer then logically would degrade the performance of your computer . What is meant by the weight of the confiscated program memory and system memory on a large hard disk .
Computer slow due to a lot of programs that automatically activated when the computer is on ( the program at startup ) . Automated program that gives a chance for himself running when the computer is on , it can also cause your computer to slow ( slow ) . I used to love to learn the commands in order to enable the program windows automatically. Of course, many ways that we can do to make the program start up one of them to manipulate the registry .
How to Fix a slow computer is caused by a program running ( running ) automatically when the computer is turned on ( turned on ) . Choose programs that will run automatically as needed . If you do not need to be activated automatically , then just activate the program at the time would be used . Many of the programs that makes him automatically activated (knowingly want to show their existence in our system ) . Disable who do not require automatic activation . Because if too many programs that start up automatically when you turn on the computer , loading windowsnya 'll take forever .
How to Fix a slow computer because many startup programs ( running automatically ) . To find programs that will be automatically activated when your windows system that is activated by opening the windows system configuration ( msconfig ) . How to open the system configuration window is by typing the words "msconfig " at the window run . Choose the startup tab , then uncheck the checkbox in the list of programs ktia not want automatically activated .
system configuration ( msconfig )

Causes of Slow Computer and How to Fix it .
Computer becomes slow due to antivirus that does not fit . You do not be surprised if after you install antivirus then your computer becomes very slow ( slow ) . If this one case I also often experience themselves . Because we want to be safe from the virus , then we install antivirus that require large computer specs . Examples pentium 3 computer you install antivirus norton and mcafee weight class . So naturally, if your computer is slow immediately after you install antivirus .
Tips , I Fix a slow computer because it caused anvirus incompatible . Install or attach the appropriate antivirus your computer specifications . Use antivirus that can be updated , point to face the kind of new viruses . When should give advice , so I suggest you use the free antivirus from microsoft security essentials . I am sure you will be very satisfied with the performance of this antivirus ( microsoft made knowingly direct ) . But to be able to install this cool antivirus , windows you have genuine original alias . The advantages of this antivirus is very light one for the system and could Fixing almost all viruses found .
Causes of Slow Computers and How to Fix it
Be caused by the slow computer is corupt data files on the computer . You should know is that every time we do the install and uninstall the program , it will leave files ( temp files ) or leave a change in the relationship between files on the system . Moreover, if the process does not uninstall the program to clean up the remnants of the overall file . Long tersbut remaining files will accumulate . Utau installation program has nothing to do with other programs , so at the time of install and uninstall programs like this will make setting changes to other programs .
How to Fix a slow computer because the files are not regular . To Fix the problem that you can do this two ways at once the cleaning stage files ( cleanup ) and stage defragmentation ( rearrangement ) . Perform the cleaning of the temp files that are junk files using registry cleaner software available . If you do not have software of you can do the cleaning of the windows . How to right click on the disk drive that you want to clear ( eg : drive c , d and subsequently drive ) and select Properties . After exit the Properties window select the tab " General " , then click " disk cleanup " on the bottom right . Select the options for doing more advanced dry . I Fix slow computer by defragmentation you can also use special software or use the default Windows defrag command . Same way with the cleanup step , ie right click on the drive that will didefrag , then select the tab " Tool " and do deframenttation .
Fix a Slow Computer, How to Fix a slow computer, Repair Computer, slow computer